The person who knows how to use words wisely and effectively will usually win. When you go to court, you are not really going to court but are going to a game arena to battle other people with words. The system that deals with law and justice and keeps society in order is the court system. Combine spoken words with the power of thought and emotion and certain natural elements (e.g., fire and water) and you have a very powerful tool to use for creating magic. Because a spoken word has sound and sound can create sacred geometry, the right combination of spoken words can cast magic spells and control the flow of energy. However, when you add sound to it using your voice, the word vibrates with more energy and therefore becomes “alive”, allowing it to do magical things. The evidence proving that sound has the power to create sacred geometry can be seen in cymatics.Ī written word without sound is not that powerful. These sacred geometric patterns are some of the building blocks of matter, which is why they can be found near the core of all material objects, even down to the level of atoms. Sound plays a really important role for directing energy to create sacred geometries.

One way to tap into the magic power of words is to use the forces of thought, sound and sacred geometry. When you learn to use these forces to control energy, you can control how energy manifest itself into physical things to a significant degree. Some of these forces are the “engines” that control the behavior of sound, light, vibration, and frequency. One of the earliest definitions of magic is the “art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces”. The term magic is derived from Old French magique, Latin magicus, and Greek magikos. If you want to learn more about the birth certificate, watch the short and informative video below.īefore we explore the magic power of words, I need to explain to you what magic is so you can see the relation between magic and the power of words. I am not going to go into details about the birth certificate, because this article is about educating you to become aware of the magic power of words and why words rule the world.

Your first commercial contract with the state is the birth certificate. One of the first things the state does to trick you to give up your natural rights, so they can make you play their vampiric game called the debt-based commerce system is by convincing you to sign commercial contracts with their government. Be aware that word magic can be used for good or evil purposes. The process of using words to trick you to commit sin is what I like to refer to as word magic.