Ultra-responsive for movement without energy losses.

“We are proud to bring these latest enhancements to our growing portfolio of Quickie Power Wheelchairs,” states Pete Coburn, president, US Commercial Operations, Sunrise Medical, in the release. Nitrum® the lightest in its class, precise adjustment and innovative features.
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Other new options include: Switch-It Ctrl+5 Buttons and Toggles, which allow the user to access five seating functions through either toggle switches or buttons, include a USB port, and may also be mounted in various locations on the wheelchair and the Switch-It Dual Pro head array, which has fine-tuned adjustments and customizations to provide the user an easy-to-learn, precise, and intuitive driving experience.
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The QM-7, Pulse, and Zippie ZM-310 feature the following new options: PG Drives Advanced Color Joystick, with a large, 3.5-inch color display, paddle switches that control the on/off function and chair speed, and programmable shortcuts a Retractable Joystick Mount, which is adjustable from -135° to +135° to provide a comfortable driving position for users whose hands turn inward/outward, and can also be retracted inward or outward and Comfort Reclining Armpads, which are available in 2-inch and 4-inch widths and provide a softer, more comfortable surface, the release continues. Zippie pediatric folding wheelchairs are ideal if your child has changing needs or your family needs a highly portable option for storing in tight spaces or transporting in your vehicle.

The Power Centermount Legrest, available on the Quickie QM-7 and Pulse Series wheelchairs, offers 7.5 inches of articulation for positioning during elevation, 3 to 19 inches of independent lower leg length adjustment, and the capability of extending the footplate all the way to the ground. The Power Centermount Legrest, available on the Quickie QM-7 and Pulse Series wheelchairs, offers 7.5 inches of articulation for positioning during elevation, 3. Sunrise Medical, based in Fresno, Calif, introduces six new options on its Quickie QM-7 Series, Pulse Series, and Zippie ZM-310 power wheelchairs, according to a media release from the company. QUICKIE powered wheelchairs combine high-performance and manoeuvrability to get you to where you want to be indoors or out.